Who is in the International Coaliton?

We are an international, interdisciplinary coalition of advocates, academics, activists, journalists, film makers and artists

Our expertise and experience spans drug policy reform, climate justice,land rights, Indigenous rights, social justice harm reduction, and anti-racism.

We are from different spaces, experiences, and perspectives, but we all agree on one thing: that drug prohibition is catalyzing environmental disaster and stands in the way of climate justice.


Acknowledge the connection between drug policy and the wider climate emergency…

Share our report with your networks. Learn about drug policy and the impacts of current drug policies on human rights, public health, sustainable development, indigenous communities and the environment.

Start an open and honest dialogue within your networks...

Engage in an open dialogue around the intersection of drug policy and environmental reform movements within your organisation and with other allied groups, without fear or stigma. Explore this subject with peers and colleagues by identifying where your work intersects with themes in the report. How might the people you work with, and the places they seek to protect, be at risk from current drug policies?

Invite drug policy reform experts and advocates into the environmental space…

This is an opportunity for mutual learning and capacity building between our two movements. We need your support to bring drug policy reform to key forums - from addressing urgent local and grassroots concerns, to key international policy forums such the annual United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. . Invite us to your meetings, conferences and events.

Integrate drug policy reform into the climate agenda…

Join The International Coalition for Drugs Policy Reform and Environmental Justice to strengthen the allyship between our two movements. Begin to include narratives around prohibition as a driver of environmental destruction and a barrier to much needed climate mitigation and adaptation in your work and analysis. Work up to calling out prohibition, by doing so you will be shouldering some of the risk and sharing some of the labour often left to frontline human rights and environmental defenders.

Be part of designing new legal regulatory drug frameworks...

To complement ongoing action on the environment and climate justice, ee need your expertise in ensuring drug policy reforms are aligned with wider goals of protecting the environment, indigenous communities, and delivering sustainable development. Ending the generational failures of the war on drugs, and ensuring a just transition to what follows, requires the meaningful engagement of and solidarity between drug reform and environmental movements.